Disarm Your Diagnosis
Consider the power of the mind. Deep reflection and self awareness may help you to realize how severely limiting, constricting, debilitating, and self-sabotaging your thoughts can be.
If impressed upon you that there was something different about your body that causes it to function sub-optimally, you might for the rest of your life, believe deeply within yourself that you are a victim. You might install a deep seeded belief or value that it is more difficult for you to do something than it is for others. As you age, you may even begin to introduce yourself to others shortly followed by, “I have __________.” Insert any condition here including and not limited to: ADHD, fibromyalgia, arthritis, introvert/extrovert, obsession compulsion, sciatica, depression, flat feet, bad knees, anxiety, IBS, etc. (This list could go on for days.) Each time you say this out loud to others or quietly to yourself this ailment becomes your own. You are assigning ownership to the condition and reinforcing it in your life both consciously and subconsciously. You begin to own this sickness as if it is an accessory or even a pet. Each time it burrows deeper within your being. As time goes by, the condition you are reinforcing becomes so real. It is now a part of you that you may even consider inseparable. The more power that you grant this condition over you, the more limiting it will be in your life.
You can start to “disarm your diagnosis” right now by simply changing how you think about your condition. No longer give it power over you. No longer give it ownership by saying the words: “my bad knees” or “my migraines” etc. Rather, discuss the condition or the symptoms in a way that lessens the ownership. For instance, “Even though I have these terrible headaches, this does not define me as a person.” Or, “Even though I feel discomfort in my knees, this does not limit the activities that I can do in life.” Right away this distances you from the problem. It separates you as a person who has the full capacity to heal and feel well. Keep at it every day, especially if you have already taken ownership to a condition for years. It sounds stupid simple, I know. But I have experienced the improvements within myself and witnessed the life changing progress in others.
Want to take it one step further? You can actually tap into your meridians and remove negative blockages in your body’s energy system with Emotional Freedom Tapping Technique (EFT tapping). This practice, along with the changing and reshaping of your thoughts in relation to the problem at hand, can provide phenomenal improvement in many different areas of your life.
Think well to feel well,
Kelly Baltuska, DC