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Float Tank Sensory Deprivation Chamber

Float Tank

I enjoyed floating in a sensory deprivation chamber much more than I thought I would. The 60 minute float session in 10 inches of body temperature saltwater flew by, and when the lights began to signal that my time was up, I wished that I could stay a bit longer. With the extreme silence, I could hear the rhythmic slow beating of my own heart. With the extreme darkness, I could not even see my hand when held directly in front of my face. As for the sense of touch, if I remained still, it would be almost completely gone. It is recommended to float completely naked so that swimwear clothing won’t distract. My hosts provided simple foam flotation devices to place behind my knees and head, but I quickly threw those to the side to help find the complete sensory deprivation experience. Wax earplugs helped to keep the water out of my head and provided pure silence. And for 60 minutes, NOTHING!

We find ourselves over stimulated this day in age. With our phones, tablets, TVs, watches, and computers, “digital dementia” and “tech neck” are rising in epic proportions. Thus births the need for a chance to unplug and disengage. Floating provides the extreme opposite experience of our hectic daily lives. Sensory deprivation was originally explored by a Neuropsychologist  in the 1950’s and has gradually gained popularity since then. Now the current research has deemed it “Reduced Environmental Stimulation Therapy” or REST, and we need our REST now more than ever before! NBA MVP Stephen Curry reportedly enjoys a float session every 2 weeks. Perhaps this is his secret to becoming the best basketball shooter of all time.

Here is the list of reported benefits of sensory deprivation floating:

  • Pain and stress management

  • Sports performance and recovery

  • Mental development and spiritual growth

  • Reduces anxiety, pain and fatigue

  • Speeds muscle and injury recovery

  • Detoxifies and rejuvenates

  • Increases creativity and problem solving abilities

  • Helps find clarity, peace, balance, harmony and transcendence

  • Helps mind, body and soul all at once. With no effort

Here is a link to watch the 1-hour documentary “Float Nation” on YouTube: https://youtu.be/nHnbKjQGhHw

Here is a couple different locations that you can try it for yourself:

Ad Astra Wellness

1410 Kasold Dr.

Lawrence, KS



Arbor Vitae Wellness Center

7235 Central St.

Waldo, MO



More information about floating from their website:

  • The vast majority of the human mental and physical workload is devoted to dealing with the effects of stimulation to ones response system, namely environmental stimulation (gravity, light, sound, temperature, etc). We intake over 4.5million bits of information per second and process just under 2000! This overload has contributed to an increasing trend of neurological and physical imbalance and disease.

  • The elimination of stimuli combined with the lesser gravity environment is proven to dramatically counteract these ill effects.

  • The “Zero Gravity” environment forces the body into a vascular-dilatory and parasympathetic response phase. This drops muscle tension, heart rate and blood pressure, cortisol production and respiratory rate.

  • The body’s chemistry changes into a natural mechanism for healing and regeneration.

  • This is a state of being that can otherwise only be achieved through very deep focused meditation.

  • Harmful stress hormones like epinephrine and cortisol have been clinically proven to be lowered, while endorphin production such as dopamine, serotonin, tryptophans and tryptamines tend to rise significantly.

  • Brainwave activity lowers into the Theta state or the “Dream State” similar to what is experienced right before sleep.

  • The Theta state can be maintained for longer periods, allowing for further creativity and profound states of consciousness.

  • This minimal environment also allows one to process past traumas in a healthy way. By simply relaxing, trauma survivors can achieve life changing mental relief.