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What is a Charley Horse? How do I Stop these Muscle Cramps?!


A charley horse, or muscle cramp, is a common condition that results in your muscles becoming tight, stiff and extremely painful.

These muscle cramps are referred to as “charley horses” because of Charley “Old Hoss” Radbourne, an 1880s-era baseball pitcher who often suffered from muscle cramps during games.

What Causes a Charley Horse?

About 1 in every 3 adults is affected by muscle cramps in their lower limbs. I get asked very frequently from my patients about these pains. In many cases, the pain is temporary and goes away on its own, but for some the cramps interfere with sleep, quality of life and daily activities. Anyone can get a charley horse, but they’re most common in the following populations and scenarios:

  • During exercise
  • At nighttime, especially in the elderly
  • In pregnant women
  • In people with neurological disease
  • During kidney dialysis

Many medications are also associated with muscle cramps, including statin cholesterol-lowering drugs, blood pressure drugs, certain asthma drugs, diuretics and more. In addition, the following factors may also increase your risk of a muscle cramp:

  • Poor blood circulation in your legs
  • Muscle fatigue
  • Dehydration
  • Mineral deficiencies, including magnesium, potassium or calcium

Is Magnesium Deficiency Causing Your Charley Horses?

Up to 80 percent of Americans are not getting enough magnesium and may be deficient. Magnesium is often thought of primarily as a mineral for your heart and bones, but this is misleading. Researchers have now detected 3,751 magnesium-binding sites on human proteins, indicating that its role in human health and disease may have been vastly underestimated.

If you suffer from headaches or charley horses, low levels of magnesium could be to blame. Magnesium is necessary for activating muscles and nerves, and a key sign of ongoing magnesium deficiency can be headaches, muscle contractions and cramps like charley horses.

Low Potassium Levels May Also Trigger a Charley Horse

Potassium, a mineral and electrolyte, is essential for your cells, tissues and organs to function properly. It plays a vital role in heart health, digestive and muscular function, bone health and more. One of the symptoms of low potassium levels is muscle cramps.

While potassium is found in many foods commonly consumed in the U.S. such as fruits, vegetables, dairy products, salmon, sardines and nuts.

Potassium is a nutrient that needs to be kept in proper balance with sodium in your blood. If you consume too much sodium, which is common if you eat a lot of processed foods, you’ll have an increased need for potassium.

Others who are at particular risk of low potassium, or hypokalemia, are those with chronic malabsorption syndromes, such as Crohn’s disease, or those taking heart medicine. However, anyone who eats a poor diet with an excess of processed foods and not enough fresh, whole foods is potentially at risk of inadequate potassium levels and related muscle cramps.

Green vegetable juicing is an excellent way to ensure you’re getting enough nutrients for optimal health. Some additional rich sources of potassium are: Lima beans, winter squash, cooked spinach, and avocados.

Too Little Calcium May Trigger Muscle Cramps

Low blood levels of calcium may increase the excitability of nerve endings and the muscles they stimulate. Good sources of calcium include nuts, seeds and raw, organic, grass-fed dairy, and vegetables. Homemade bone broth is another excellent source. Simply simmer leftover bones over low heat for an entire day to extract the calcium from the bones. You can use this broth for soups and stews or drink it straight.

What to Do If You Get a Charley Horse

A charley horse often occurs without notice, sometimes waking you up from sound sleep. If you’re lying down when the pain starts, stand up and put some weight on your foot. (Easier said than done) Walking around will help to increase blood circulation to your muscles and possibly help to soothe and relax the cramp.

You can also try a simple stretch. If the cramp is in your calf in the back of your lower leg, pull your toes and foot upward until you feel a stretch in the back of your leg. You can also do this sitting down with your legs outstretched. Put a towel around your feet and gently pull both ends toward you until you feel a stretch.

Soaking in an Epsom salt bath may also help to relieve pain and possibly help with prevention. Massaging the area and applying a heat pack will increase blood flow to the area promoting healing and soothing pain.

Staying well-hydrated is also important for muscle cramp prevention. You’ll want to drink enough pure filtered water so that your urine is pale yellow in color. In addition, performing regular stretching exercises on your legs may help reduce your risk of a charley horse.

Chiropractic care will ensure that your skeletal system is in proper alignment and that your nervous system is functioning well. Regular adjustments will balance any bio-mechanical malfunctions that cause undue tension in specific areas of the body. Schedule your Adjustment online now at this link or call 913-283-9803.


Why are you still drinking soda pop?

coke spray soft drink

Top 10 health problems from drinking soda pop:

1. Extra weight and obesity

2. Liver damage

3. Tooth decay

4. Kidney stones and chronic kidney disease

5. Diabetes

6. Heartburn & acid reflux

7. Osteoporosis (soft, brittle bones)

8. Hypertension (high blood pressure)

9. Heart disease

10. Impaired digestion and gastrointestinal distress

Here is what happens in your body after you enjoy a soft drink:

Within the first 10 minutes,10 teaspoons of sugar hit your system. This is 100 percent of your recommended daily intake, and the only reason you don’t vomit as a result of the overwhelming sweetness is because phosphoric acid cuts the flavor.

Within 20 minutes, your blood sugar spikes, and your liver responds to the resulting insulin burst by turning massive amounts of sugar into fat.

Within 40 minutes, caffeine absorption is complete; your pupils dilate, your blood pressure rises, and your livers dumps more sugar into your bloodstream.

Around 45 minutes, your body increases dopamine production, which stimulates the pleasure centers of your brain – a physically identical response to that of narcotic use.

After 60 minutes, you’ll have a sugar crash and become irritable while your cravings will become very powerful in hopes to find a way to bring your blood sugar back up again.

Diet soda drinkers are not off the hook because the health risks are very similar to those of regular soda drinkers. The fake sugars used in diet drinks are very confusing to the human body.

One of the best things that you can do for your health is to choose to hydrate your body with water instead of soft drinks. Every chemical reaction that takes place in the body requires water as an ingredient. We know far too much about health and wellness now to continue consuming soda pop and soft drinks. There are better uses that have been discovered for these products in the area of astringents and cleaners to remove rust and grime from surfaces.

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Genes Load the Gun – Lifestyle Choices Pull the Trigger

epigenetic chiropracticWe once thought that the human genome served as a recipe for the body and that when you end up with “bad genes” there is simply nothing that can be done. Sometimes “bad things” happen to “good people” and that was long thought to be the end of story. The fact of the matter is that what you are born with is only the beginning of the story, and every day, through the choices you make in the area of diet, exercise, meditation, and Chiropractic care, you are actually recreating all aspects of your body. 

Although the genes you are born with can be thought of as loading your genetic gun, it is your life choices that determine when and even if those genes are ever fired. This is why a woman who carries a gene for breast cancer does not have breast cancer the moment she is born or perhaps even several decades into her life. Something must trigger the expression of that gene in her body. A recent study revealed that by practicing intermittent fasting, women can significantly reduce the chances of expressing the genes responsible for developing breast cancer. With life choices, we can choose whether or not to express certain genes.

There are thousands of epigenetic switches on each of our 25,000 genes and the position of those switches — whether the gene is turned on or off — is what determines when and if any given gene expresses in the body. 

So the question is, what controls expression of the genes? The pharmaceutical industry is spending billions of dollars looking for pills that will turn these epigenetic switches on and off. Science has already discovered the most powerful keys to the epigenetic switches. A clean diet, consistent exercise, centered emotions, daily meditation and Chiropractic care have all been shown to have powerfully positive epigenetic impacts. Currently, it is estimated that somewhere between 70 and 90% of our genes can be turned on and off epigenetically.

When you eat processed and conventional food, fail to exercise, and struggle to manage stress in life, you are playing a potentially deadly game of genetic Russian roulette. You cannot  continue to abuse the body without suffering in health. The beauty of how our bodies come to be is that we are now creating our body’s future experience with the choices made today.


Take this Test to Discover Your Ayurvedic Dosha Type

dosha-ayurvedaAyurveda Mind Body Dosha Type Test

Ayurveda translates to “the science of life,” or “the knowledge of life span.” Dating back more than 5,000 years, Ayurveda teaches us how our lives can be influenced, shaped, extended, and experienced without interference from sickness and old age. The guiding principle is that the mind exerts the deepest influence on the body. Creating a balanced awareness provides the highest state of health and wellbeing.

Take this 60 question test to find out your Dosha type. Dosha is each of three energies believed to circulate in the body and govern physiological activity. If nothing else, finding out your Dosha type might help you realize why some practices work for one person to create health but do not necessarily translate across the entire population. Take it a step further and try some recommendations to balance your Dosha type to experience surprising health benefits.

Read each statement and mark, from 1 to 6, how well it applies to you.

1 = Does not apply to me

3 = Applies to me somewhat (or some of the time)

6 = Applies to me very much (or nearly all of the time)

Add your total score together for each section so that you find your scores for the three different Dosha types: Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

  1. I perform activity very quickly.
  2. I am not good at memorizing things and then remembering them later.
  3. I am enthusiastic and vivacious by nature.
  4. I have a thin physique and don’t gain weight very easily.
  5. I learn new things easily.
  6. My characteristic gain while walking is light and quick.
  7. I tend to have difficulties making decisions.
  8. I tend to develop gas or become constipated easily.
  9. I tend to have cold hands and feet.
  10. I become anxious or worried frequently.
  11. I don’t tolerate cold weather as well as most people.
  12. I speak quickly and my friends think I’m talkative.
  13. My moods change easily and I am somewhat emotional by nature.
  14. I often have difficulty in falling asleep or having a sound night’s sleep.
  15. My skin tends to be dry, especially in winter.
  16. My mind is very active, sometimes restless, but also very imaginative.
  17. My movements are quick and active; my energy tends to come in bursts.
  18. I am easily excitable.
  19. Left on my own, my eating and sleeping habits tend to be irregular.
  20. I learn quickly, but also forget quickly.

VATA Score _____

  1. I consider myself to be very efficient.
  2. In my activities, I tend to be extremely precise and orderly.
  3. I am strong-minded and have somewhat forceful manner.
  4. I feel uncomfortable or become easily fatigued in hot weather, more so than most people.
  5. I tend to perspire easily.
  6. Even though I might not always show it, I become irritable or angry quite easily.
  7. If I skip a meal or a meal is delayed, I become uncomfortable.
  8. One or more of the following characteristics describes my hair: (early graying or balding) (thin, fine, straight hair) (blond, red, or sandy colored hair)
  9. I have a strong appetite; if I want to, I can eat quite a large quantity.
  10. Many people consider me stubborn.
  11. I am very regular in my bowel habits. It would be more common for me to have loose stools than to be constipated.
  12. I become impatient very easily.
  13. I tend to be a perfectionist about details.
  14. I get angry quite easily, but then forget about it.
  15. I am very fond of cold foods like ice cream and also crave ice-cold drinks.
  16. I am more likely to feel that a room is too hot than too cold.
  17. I don’t tolerate foods that are very hot and spicy.
  18. I am not very tolerant of disagreement.
  19. I enjoy challenges and when I want something, I am very determined in my efforts to get it.
  20. I tend to be critical of others and also of myself.

PITTA Score _____

  1. My natural tendency is to do things in a slow and relaxed fashion.
  2. I gain weight more easily than most people and lose it more slowly.
  3. I have a placid and calm disposition. I’m not easily ruffled.
  4. I can skip meals easily without any significant discomfort.
  5. I have a tendency toward excess mucus, phlegm, chronic congestion, asthma, or sinus problems.
  6. I must get at least eight hours of sleep in order to be comfortable the next day.
  7. I sleep very deeply.
  8. I am calm by nature and not easily angered.
  9. I don’y learn as quickly as some people, but I have excellent retention and a long memory.
  10. I have a tendency toward becoming plump. I store extra fat easily.
  11. Weather that is cool and damp bothers me.
  12. My hair is thick, dark, and wavy.
  13. I have smooth, soft skin with a somewhat pale complexion.
  14. I have a large, solid body build.
  15. The following words describe me well: serene, sweet-natured, affectionate, and forgiving.
  16. I have slow digestion, which makes me feel heavy after eating.
  17. I have very good stamina and physical endurance as well as a steady level of energy.
  18. I generally walk with a slow, measured gait.
  19. I have a tendency toward oversleeping, grogginess upon awakening, and am generally slow to get going in the morning.
  20. I am a slow eater and am slow and methodical in my actions.

KAPHA Score _____

Although there are only three Doshas, Ayurveda combines them creating 10 possible body types. If one of the three numbers is obviously dominant (Ex: 90, 45, 65), then you are likely classified as a Single Dosha Type of your highest number. If two of the three numbers are dominant and relatively close together (Ex: 45, 80, 85), then you are likely classified as a Two Dosha Type of the higher two numbers. Or perhaps all three of your Dosha numbers are very close together (Ex: 88, 85,75). In this case you would be classified as the Three Dosha Type.

Single Dosha Types 

  • Vata 
  • Pitta 
  • Kapha

Two Dosha Types

  • Vata-Pitta or Pitta-Vata
  • Pitta-Kapha or Kapha-Pitta
  • Kapha-Vata or Vata-Kapha

Three Dosha Type

  • Vata-Pita-Kapha

Now that you know your Dosha, here is how you can use this information to create a healthier life for yourself.

Ayurvedic principles demonstrate that the source of all of our discomforts in life are a result of us not respecting our Dosha type and becoming unbalanced. We can practice balancing our Dosha type in MANY ways to restore health. Here are some examples:

Balancing Vata

  • Regular habits
  • Quiet
  • Attention to fluids
  • Decreased sensitivity to stress
  • Ample rest
  • Warmth
  • Steady supply of nourishment
  • Oil massage

Balancing Pitta

  • Moderation
  • Coolness
  • Attention to leisure
  • Exposure to natural beauty
  • Balance of rest and activity
  • Decreased stimulants

Balancing Kapha

  • Stimulation
  • Regular exercise
  • Weight control
  • Variety of experiences
  • Warmth, dryness
  • Reduced sweetness

Visit me for Acupuncture treatments to aid in the restoration of balance in your life.

This is just a glimpse of the MANY different ways to balance your Dosha. For more specific details about restoration in every facet of life, I recommend the book “Perfect Health” by Deepak Chopra, MD.


Intermittent Fasting: 16/8 Method


Food clock

Food clock

Fasting is not as difficult as it sounds

Intermittent fasting is a term for a cycling eating pattern between periods of fasting and eating. It does not say anything about which foods you should eat, but rather when you should eat them. In this respect, it is not a “diet” in the conventional sense. It is more accurately described as an “eating pattern.”

Humans have actually been fasting throughout evolution. Sometimes it was done because food was not available, and it has also been a part of major religions, including Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.

If anything, fasting from time to time is more “natural” than constantly eating 3-4 (or more) meals per day. If you think of your digestive system as a machine, you would understand that the less often you use a machine, the longer it will last. Our digestive machine will last longer if it is not overworked.

There are many different types of intermittent fasting. For the purpose of this blog, I will focus on my favorite and the most popular type, which is the 16/8 method. It involves skipping breakfast and restricting your daily eating period to just 8 hours, for example from 10 am to 6 pm, 11 am to 7 pm, or from 12 pm to 8 pm. (The actual 8 hour window can be during any time of day but makes the most sense for a majority of people at these times) Then you “fast” for 16 hours in between. I’ve personally found the 16/8 method to be the simplest, most sustainable and easiest to stick to. Timing it so that most of your fasting is done while sleeping works great!

When you fast, several things happen in your body on the cellular and molecular level. For example, your body changes hormone levels to make stored body fat more accessible. Your cells also initiate important repair processes, and change the expression of genes. This is a wonderful discovery in the area of epigenetics.

Here are some changes that occur in your body when you fast:

  • Human Growth Hormone (HGH): The levels of growth hormone skyrocket, increasing as much as 5-fold. This has the benefit of fat loss and muscle gain. Another great way to boost your HGH is to practice High Intensity Interval Training.
  • Insulin: Insulin sensitivity improves and levels of insulin drop dramatically. Lower insulin levels make stored body fat more accessible. This provides answers to those struggling to manage their blood sugar levels and are labeled pre-diabetic.
  • Cellular repair: When fasted, your cells initiate cellular repair processes. A natural and healthy occurrence where cells digest and remove old and dysfunctional proteins that build up inside cells. Cleansing and “taking out the trash” so to speak.
  • Gene expression: There are changes in the function of genes related to longevity and protection against disease. Less stress on the system allows for longer life span. Ask your body to express healthy genes, not flawed ones.

These changes in hormone levels, cell function and gene expression are responsible for the health benefits of intermittent fasting.

Here are the main health benefits of intermittent fasting:

  • Weight Loss: Intermittent fasting can help you lose weight and belly fat, without having to consciously count calories.
  • Insulin resistance:Intermittent fasting can reduce insulin resistance, lowering blood sugar by 3-6% and fasting insulin levels by 20-31% which is protective against type 2 diabetes.
  • Inflammation:There is a significant decrease in the lab work markers of inflammation, a key driver of many chronic diseases.
  • Heart Health:Intermittent fasting may reduce LDL cholesterol, blood triglycerides, inflammatory markers, blood sugar and insulin resistance. These are all risk factors for heart disease.
  • Cancer:Animal studies suggest that intermittent fasting may help prevent cancer.
  • Brain Health:Intermittent fasting increases a brain hormone called BDNF, and may aid the growth of new nerve cells. It may also protect against Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Anti-aging:Intermittent fasting can extend lifespan in rats. Studies showed that fasted rats live as much as 36-83% longer.

What if I don’t want to lose any weight? Intermittent fasting is not just for those who hope to lose weight. While it is a very effective way to do so, many people who practice IF are doing it to sculpt lean muscle and provide preventative healthcare benefits while maintaining a healthy body weight.

I invite you to give intermittent fasting a try for a few days. You will likely enjoy the benefits as much as I have and be surprised at how efficiently the body is capable of working.


LLS Man & Woman of the Year Fundraiser with Jay Morton of Priority Fitness

Man and Woman of the Year

MWOY jenn and kelly baltuskaMWOY Priority Fitness Team

Please join me in supporting The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) by making a donation of money, goods or services to our fundraising campaign for Man or Woman of the Year. Baltuska Chiropractic and Priority Fitness are working to raise as much as possible in a 10-week period. Whoever raises the most money is named the Man or Woman of the Year.

Everyone wins when cancer loses! Your support will help fund the therapies and treatments that save lives. Over the years, support from people like you has been responsible for the blood cancer advancements that have doubled, tripled, and in some cases quadrupled the survival rate for some blood cancers.

Many LLS supported therapies not only help blood cancer patients, but are also now used to treat patients with rare forms of stomach and skin cancers and are in clinical trials for patients with lung, brain, breast, pancreatic and prostate cancers. LLS funded therapies are saving thousands of lives every day.

All donations are greatly appreciated and tax deductible. They’ll not only support LLS research, but patient services, advocacy, public and professional education, and community services as well.

Please make donations using this Web site and share with friends who would also like to donate! Be sure to check and see if your employer is willing to match your donation as many companies have annual funds set aside for opportunities just like this. Stop by the Facebook Support Page to read Jay’s story about beating a Stage 4 Diagnosis and see the list of events and opportunities to help out.

On behalf of blood cancer patients everywhere, thank you for your support! For more information about LLS, please visit www.lls.org

Visit Easy Fundraising Ideas
Man & Woman of the Year Leukemia & Lymphoma


I workout so I can drink protein shakes

protein-powderProtein is required by the body, especially when challenging it with exercise. Nowadays it is widely accepted and (even expected) to follow a good workout with a protein shake or smoothie. They go well together. Your body will crave the amino acids available in protein to rebuild damaged tissue post workout. Their is even a small window of time after exercise termed the “anabolic window” where the body is primed to absorb nutrients for assimilation.

You may have noticed that there are MANY types and flavors of protein powder available to choose from. Some are much safer and healthier than others. I encourage you to read the label of your current brand and lookout for a few things.

First of all, find out the source of protein. Is if from a plant or animal?

Plant protein powders typically come from rice, chia, hemp, pea, flax, and soy. These are very easy to digest and almost immediately ready for absorption. I recommend avoiding all types of soy for many different reasons so be sure to find one without soy. 

Animal protein powders typically come in the form of whey which is made from dairy. Conventional dairy is an allergen to everyone. Some of us more than others. It increases inflammation in the lining of our guts and produces various symptoms such as digestive discomfort, acne, headaches, congestion, excess mucus production, and sinus infections. Those who choose whey protein powders commonly report bloating, distended stomach and gassiness. Another pitfall for conventional dairy products is the high amount of contamination with hormones, antibiotics, and other environmental contaminants. No wonder dairy consumption is directly linked cancer in many different studies.

Secondly, watch out for many different types of additives and fillers. Your body will digest and absorb real food better than it will artificial ingredients. Be careful about sugar of many different names and forms and ALOT of it! This is added simply for taste and will harm your body. You may find different types of binding agents and dyes also. Ideally, the best protein powder will be made with protein.

I enjoy high quality plant protein from Metagenics

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Foam Rolling: What’s the Point and How do I do it?

Foam RollerWhat is the point of foam rolling?

Foam rolling can provide health benefits by breaking down soft tissue adhesions and scar tissue that is in your fascia. Fascia is a three dimensional fibrous matrix that interconnects and surrounds all cells of the body including muscles, bones, and joints, providing integrity and strength.

Abnormal fascia can cause chronic pain, reduced flexibility, and decreased athletic performance. Foam rolling can be an effective, inexpensive and convenient way to keep your body healthy, limber, fit and flexible. I recommend a high density foam roller.

Whether you are a bodybuilder, athlete, or weekend warrior, foam rolling is important to allow strength along with flexibility and full range of motion.

How to use a foam roller:

Foam rolling is very simple to learn. Choose an area of tightness in your body and place it on top of the foam roller. Slowly roll along the muscle groups end to end until you find a tender spot. Stop right on top of the painful area and hold it there until the pain diminishes by about 75%. Then continue scanning around to find another area to hold until you can’t find any other tender points to work on. Over time, with practice and repetition, you might be able to work out all of the tender points throughout your body and then keep the foam roller handy for maintenance and prevention. You can increase pressure over the soft tissue by stacking your body parts upon one another or repositioning your body in many ways. You can use a foam roller before physical activity, or after, or both to reduce muscle soreness and speed recovery.

Target specific muscle groups with your foam roller:


Paraspinals: With your arms behind your head, lie on your back, face up, with roller positioned in the middle of your back and your butt off the ground. Roll up and down along your spine.


Latissimus: Lie on your side with your arm overhead. Roll back and forth along your side from your arm pit to your mid-torso.

Gluteus Muscles-Minimus-Piriformis

Gluts / Piriformis: Sit on the foam roller while leaning forward into the side your working on. Roll up and down along the entire buttock area.


Hamstrings: Sit with the foam roller on your hamstrings on the back of your thighs. Roll up and down along the back of your thighs.


Quadriceps: Lay face down with the foam roller under your thighs. Roll up and down your quads and rock side to side to work the entire muscle group.

Iliotibial Band

Iliotibial  Band: Lay on your side with the foam roller on your lateral thigh. Roll up to your hip and down to your knee.

Calves Gastro-Soleus

Calves Gastro-Soleus: Sit with the foam roller behind your legs. Roll up and down along your calves from behind your knee to your heels.


Peroneals / Tibialis: Kneel over your foam roller and roll up to the knee and down to the ankle while focusing on the outer / lateral portion of your shin.

If you have pain/discomfort which does not resolve or worsens with exercise and foam rolling, I encourage you to consider Chiropractic care. After you are more comfortable with your foam roller, a full body routine might take about 10-minutes to complete. I recommended to foam roll anywhere from 3 to 5 times each week. Take this time to focus on deep breathing.


Himalayan Salt Lamps Create Negative Ions for Positive Health Benefits

Himalayan Salt Lamp







Have you noticed the Himalayan Salt Lamps at Baltuska Chiropractic? I enjoy having them around to help purify indoor air and for their soothing orange glow. I was first exposed to them when I was a Chiropractic student shadowing an amazing doctor who had been in practice for almost 50 years! I remember the feeling and ambiance that they provided in his practice and made a note to implement them into my own practice when the time came.

What are Salt Lamps?

Salt lamps are simply large pieces of pure, food grade, Himalayan Salt with a small bulb inside.

The importance of negative ions:

Salt lamps are natural negative ion generators. At any given time, there are both positive and negative ions in the air.

Negative ions occur more often in nature and they are often created by things like lightening storms, sunlight, waterfalls, and ocean waves. This is one of the reasons we feel renewed or refreshed after a storm or at the beach.

Positive ions are often created by electronic devices like tablets, cell phones, stereos, computers, TVs, microwaves, and vacuum cleaners. Positive ions can often exacerbate problems like allergies, stress and sleep difficulty. Negative ions can then neutralize, quench, or bind to positive ions and help cleanse the air and protect us from potentially harmful effects.

The unique combination of salt and a light source in these salt lamps are what cause the negative ions. Salt is naturally hygroscopic, meaning that it attracts water to its surface and this water evaporates quickly due to the small amount of heat from the light source. The protective negative ions are generated during the evaporation process.

Since things like airborne mold, bacteria, and allergens often carry a positive charge, they can also be neutralized by negative ions.

Negative ions have been shown to increase the flow of oxygen to the brain; resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, and more mental energy. They also may protect against germs in the air, resulting in decreased irritation due to inhaling various particles that make you sneeze, cough, or have a throat irritation. And for a special one in three of us who are sensitive to their effects, negative ions can make us feel like we are walking on air.

Places like waterfalls and beaches where negative ions are naturally produced can have a negative ion concentration of up to 10,000 negative ions per cubic centimeter whereas busy cities can have negative ion levels as low as 100 ions per cubic centimeter.

Salt lamps are a very affordable and effective for home and office use. You will especially appreciate them in winter months when you aren’t able to spend as much time outside.

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Sitting is the New Smoking – Even if Fit & Active, Desk Jobs are Bad for Health

sitting the new smokingSitting is the new smoking. It is killing us by the masses and we don’t know any better. Our human bodies are not meant to be folded in half for hours at a time. Sedentary lifestyle instigates every co-morbidity known to man. The muscles decondition and atrophy. The organs are squished, restricted in function and get backed up with viscous fluids. The joints degenerate and the nerves get irritated and inflamed. The brain slows with fog. The cardiovascular and lymphatic systems grow stagnant. All that is just the beginning! Compile years of desk time studying, reading, computer work, phone calls, meals, entertainment, and traveling then you have created a human body that is really good at one thing- sitting. We will adapt to the stresses and demands that are asked of us. If the challenge is only that of endurance in the seated posture, then we will lose our mobility. Use it or lose it!

Researchers are taking a closer look at how we position ourselves day to day and are repeatedly demonstrating that standing and moving is a much more safe, efficient way to spend our time as opposed to sitting. Those who are adopting standing workstations, where the day to day tasks can be performed in the upright standing position, are experiencing many benefits including: improved health profiles and lab-work, more efficiency and productivity, better mood, more enjoyment and fulfillment in career, more energy etc. They are finding less fatigue, irritability, brain fog and sick days. Choosing standing over sitting can reduce your risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

The abundance of evidence is in. Standing desks need to replace the primitive seated work environment in school, home, and work. There are many options available to help you make the switch. You can simply prop up your monitor and keyboard with standard household tables, boxes, and stands of any kind.  Or you can invest in yourself with more elegant and custom fitted furniture like this one from www.anthrodesk.com/

This is the model that we use at Baltuska Chiropractic!