Raw, Organic, Unpasteurized Milk

raw milk

Pasteurization was originally utilized with milk to allow the farmers to safely store and ship the milk for longer periods before it makes it to the belly of a consumer. Now we understand that the fresher the food is when we consume it, the healthier it is for us. So the health conscious consumer no longer wants their milk to be pasteurized and shipped and stored for extended periods before drinking it. We understand that by this time, the milk no longer contains any of the vital and important nutrients that it originally had.
If you have been up to date on your research in the health realm, you already understand that dairy consumption is associated with many nasty problems from allergies and congestion to cancer. The widely popular book “The China Study” is one of the most comprehensive studies on nutrition ever conducted and warns us to stop consuming dairy products altogether. Unfortunately this study does not take into consideration that most, if not all of the information gathered about dairy consumption was nutrient depleted, pasteurized and processed diary. We altered Mother Nature’s product before consuming. This seems to be the trend as we discover that the foods are much better left the way we found them. For example, the gargantuan problem that Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) has been causing. As more families start to become more health conscious and purchase local, raw, unpasteurized milk, I foresee more research to surface of the many wonderful health benefits that this will provide.

Whats wrong with my milk?

Heat from the pasteurization process alters milk’s amino acids lysine and tyrosine, making the whole complex of proteins less available; it promotes rancidity of unsaturated fatty acids and destruction of vitamins. Vitamin C loss in pasteurization usually exceeds 50%; loss of other water-soluble vitamins can run as high as 80%.Pasteurization alters milk’s mineral components such as calcium, chlorine, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and sulphur as well as many trace minerals, making them less available. There is some evidence that pasteurization alters lactose, making it more readily absorbable. This, and the fact that pasteurized milk puts an unnecessary strain on the pancreas to produce digestive enzymes, may explain why milk consumption in civilized societies has been linked with diabetes.
Raw milk contains lactic-acid-producing bacteria that protect against pathogens. Pasteurization destroys these helpful organisms; leaving the finished product devoid of any protective mechanism should undesirable bacteria inadvertently contaminate the supply. Raw milk in time turns pleasantly sour while pasteurized milk, lacking beneficial bacteria, will putrefy.
The natural occurring enzymes in milk are also destroyed with pasteurization. These enzymes help the body assimilate all bodybuilding factors, including calcium. That is why those who drink pasteurized milk may suffer from osteoporosis. Lipase in raw milk helps the body digest and utilize fat. After pasteurization, chemicals may be added to suppress odor and restore taste. Synthetic vitamin D2 or D3 is added — the former is toxic and has been linked to heart disease while the latter is difficult to absorb. The final indignity is homogenization which has also been linked to heart disease.
High-quality raw milk has a mountain of health benefits that pasteurized milk lacks. Raw milk has earned its title of being a superfood because of these reasons:

Whats right with raw milk?

• Loaded with vitamins (A, B, C, D, E, and K) in highly bioavailable forms, and a very balanced blend of minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron) whose absorption is enhanced by live lactobacilli
• Loaded with healthy bacteria that are good for your gastrointestinal tract
• Full of more than 60 digestive enzymes, growth factors, and immunoglobulins
• Rich in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which fights cancer and boosts metabolism
• Rich in beneficial raw fats, amino acids, and proteins in a highly bioavailable form, all 100 percent digestible

It is not uncommon for people who switch from drinking pasteurized to raw milk to experience improvement or complete resolution of troubling health issues—everything from allergies to digestive problems to eczema. When milk is pasteurized, fats are oxidized, proteins denatured and most enzymes are completely destroyed, resulting in a ‘food’ that may be more harmful than beneficial to our health.
Additionally, the bacteria killed by pasteurization are not removed, so their dead cell fragments remain in the milk to ignite immune reactions in those who ingest them, which is one major cause of milk allergies. Often the ‘milk allergy’ is not to the milk itself, but to the post-pasteurization cell fragments it contains.
For more information on the problems of pasteurization, the benefits of raw milk, and where to find your own supply, visit the following websites:

Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight- (and most of your other symptoms too)

wheat breadThere is an epidemic of hidden intolerance to wheat products. Not  just for to the Celiac disease patients or the gluten-sensitive, but everyone. Gluten is the primary protein found in wheat but there are other components to the wheat grain that are also be causing major problems. White flour is no exception. You may be surprised to hear that:

Two slices of whole wheat bread spike your blood sugar more than two tablespoons of sugar!

Gliadins are molecules that frequently cause toxic reactions that trigger your immune response. When gliadin in gluten becomes water soluble, it is free to bind to cells in your body. Then, your body will make antibodies to gliadin and attack the cells that gliadin has attached itself to, treating those cells as an infection. This immune response damages surrounding tissue and has the potential to set off, amplify or exacerbate MANY different health problems throughout your body, devastating your overall health.
Unfortunately, most people don’t feel better immediately after eliminating gluten from their diets as it may take 30 to 60 days for the inflammation to subside, and up to 9 to 12 months for the lining of your small intestine to heal. So it is said, “You must first remove your hand from the hot stove before the healing can begin.” For this analogy, you must remove the continuous supply of wheat from your intestines so that the healing of your digestive system can occur, which takes time.
Food cravings can often serve as a gauge of food sensitivity. Craving dairy products or breads, for example, can be an indication that you are sensitive to that food, especially if you crave it but then feel worse after eating it. Because of this phenomenon, many argue that the body’s biochemical dependence on wheat and dairy products is no different to the addiction to other narcotic substances like cocaine and heroin. We crave it so strongly and we know it harms us but we struggle to avoid it.
For most people, around 6 to 9 months of being strictly gluten free will provide noticeably pleasant physical, mental and emotional changes. When you remove allergenic foods from your diet, your cravings for sweets will diminish, your mood will improve, your weight will drop, and your overall health will soar.
These allergenic foods keep your immune system in overdrive by continually triggering the inflammatory response. The continual consumption of wheat and conventional dairy products are likely responsible for: Fatigue, depression, indigestion, bloating, cramping, swelling, gas, flatulence, mood swings, acne and other skin conditions, brain fog, lethargy, aches and pains, weight gain and belly fat, headaches and migraines, sinus congestion and infection, poor immune system, autoimmune diseases, mood disorders, autism, schizophrenia, dementia, digestive disorders, nutritional deficiencies, diabetes, cancer, and more.
The self induced, slow poisoning from wheat products gets amplified tremendously when patients seek medical care for the before mentioned symptoms. If the patient is prescribed a medication to mask or quiet these body signals, then they are allowed to continue to consume wheat products everyday and make the underlying problem much worse.
It may sound easy to eliminate wheat from your diet at first. Just pass on the bread, cakes, pastries and other carbs, right? But after you do your homework, you may find if to be very difficult because wheat products are hidden in nearly every food in the grocery store. Wheat is one of the most common additives for all different kinds of processed foods including salad dressings, soups, and most packaged and ready to eat items.
I recommend reading more on the topic in books like “Wheat Belly” and “Grain Brain” as well as from all of the leading health and wellness experts at the forefront of functional and preventative medicine.

In good fun, here is a clip from a comedy movie about bread:


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Sports Physicals and Pre-participation Exams with Dr. Kelly Baltuska, DC

sports physicalsIf your children are in need of their school and sports physicals, please call me at 913-283-9803 to schedule your visit for just $35. I am excited to meet your kiddos and make sure they are in great shape for their upcoming events.

Dr. Kelly Baltuska, DC

How to make Kefir with Dr. Kelly Baltuska, DC


Buy Kefir Grains Starter Kit for $20 at Baltuska Chiropractic

What is Kefir?

Kefir is a fermented milk beverage that contains a powerful supply of beneficial probiotics. One of the very best and most affordable ways to get healthy bacteria through your diet is to obtain raw milk and convert it to kefir yourself. After obtaining kefir grains from someone you know (call me 913-283-9803), simply soak the kefir grains in the milk overnight at room temperature. By the time you wake up in the morning you will have made kefir. If it hasn’t obtained the consistency of yogurt you might want to set it out a bit longer and then store it in the fridge. Kefir has a very mysterious history. I have read that the kefir grains cannot be recreated and must be acquired and grown from someone who is already enjoying their benefits. Some companies sell “starter cultures”, but these lose potency after a few batches and must be replaced. Other companies have commercialized the production for sale in stores but after the processing and added sugars, there is little to offer you in terms of health benefits. Much like other foods, grow and prepare at home to achieve the best health benefits.

The grains may have originated in the Caucus Mountains, where nomadic sheepherders would store their refreshing milk in leather pouches on their belts. After a long days work they would reach for their drink, it will have transformed into what they described as a deliciously effervescent, bubbly drink. The name Kefir comes from the Turkish word “keif” – meaning “good feeling” – for the sense of well being experienced after drinking it.

The fermentation is triggered by Kefir “grains”, consisting of various species of symbiotic bacteria and yeast. There are no true grains in the process, the term was applied because of the appearance and has stuck ever since. Bacteria (mostly lactobacteria and streptococci) ferment lactose, the sugar found in milk; yeasts perform alcohol fermentation, producing negligible amounts of alcohol. The resulting drink has a pleasantly tangy taste. Easy to digest, Kefir cleanses the intestines while boosting your immune response to illness.

Kefir is an excellent source of protein, calcium, iodine and vitamins A, B, and D. Plus, it’s gluten-free, 99% lactose-free. It can and should be enjoyed any and all the time. For best results, it is recommended to drink first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Many different healthcare professionals agree that it is beneficial to your health to regularly take a probiotic supplement. From dermatologists and psychologists to GI specialists and Cancer doctors, they would all agree of the importance of a healthy digestive system. There are MANY different brands and varieties of probiotic supplements available. Fortunately, Mother Nature also provides natural, affordable and sustainable probiotics in certain superfoods. Kefir is one of these superfoods!

How to Make Kefir

(this information is in a printable booklet at this link)

1. Place the kefir grains in a quart jar and fill it ¾ full with milk. (Approximately 3-4 tablespoons of grains per jar or 1 Tbsp. Of kefir to every 1 cup of milk) This ratio is not strict and can vary without any problems.

2. Cover the jar with coffee filter or paper towel and secure with a rubber band to let it breathe and keep bugs out.

3. Leave the jar in a room temperature, dark area (68-80°F) in your home. Stir or agitate the jar a few times a day if desired but not required.

4. Kefir normally takes at least 18 to 24 hours to form. The longer the fermentation after 24 hours, the more sour the taste. This window of time is not strict (2-3 days is fine).

5. Once the milk has thickened and there is a clear layer of liquid in the jar, the kefir has formed. Strain and remove the kefir grains with a plastic fine mesh strainer.

6. Pour freshly made Kefir into a new jar and seal tightly with a lid. Enjoy right away and/or store surplus in the refrigerator, which will be safe to use for up to 30 days.

7. The kefir grains can then be placed in fresh milk and the process repeated.

Tips/Warnings/Do’s and Don’ts:

• Direct light will destroy many precious nutrients in the Kefir. Keep the jars in a dark place. Mine are in the cupboard. I’ve read that all metals should be avoided when handling/storing kefir. The fermentation process may leach unwanted substance from the metal.
• If the temperature in the house is cooler, it will slow the fermentation process. If the temperature is warmer, it will speed the fermentation process. Extreme heat will kill the kefir grains. Be careful not to place the kefir or kefir grains in a jar that is still hot from the dishwasher.
• If you are going on vacation or simply want to stop fermenting milk for a period of time, store your grains in a sealed jar with milk in the refrigerator. Use a larger milk to kefir ratio so that there will be plenty of lactose for the bacteria to dine on. This will keep the grains alive while slowing the fermentation process. The kefir may still be used when ready to resume the process.
• Trust your feral instincts and don’t consume foods that smell or taste rancid.
• To avoid a difficult or uncomfortable transition into better health, gradually introduce kefir into your diet. Example: 4oz/day for first 2 days, 6oz/day for next 2 days, 8oz/day for next 2 days etc.
• Enjoy kefir as is, or add honey to sweeten it. My morning breakfast smoothie usually contains kefir, banana, mixed berries, kale/spinach/broccoli, coconut oil, and ground flax seeds, chia seeds, and 2 eggs blended together.
• Hundreds of other recipes can be found online. My family’s favorites are: kefir popsicles, avocado dip, pancakes, and smoothies. The pancakes are DELICIOUS; unfortunately, the heat does destroy the bacteria and decreases the health benefits.
• Healthy kefir grains will grow up to 25% in size/quantity with each cycle/batch. They can quickly overwhelm you so keep talking about the great health benefits to friends and family to see who may be interested in taking some off of your hands when this happens. Some people eat the extra grains or feed them to their pets.

If you have any questions while learning to prepare your own kefir, just email [email protected]

Check out this beautiful 5 minute cartoon that was posted by NPR that educates about the importance of probiotic bacteria for optimal health and wellness:

Click here if you would like to learn how to brew your own Kombucha at home for other probiotic health benefits.

Cheers to good health,

Kelly Baltuska, DC

Buy Kefir Grains Starter Kit for $20 at Baltuska Chiropractic